Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Swinger is one of my bigger windows at over 2 x 3 feet. It was inspired by a muerto streetwalker I have. If I find it I’ll take a picture of it and post it. The thing I love most about the muerto is her pink yarn beehive hairdo. I had some salvaged pieces from a red robe so I cut them down into the beehive and halter top. The background pieces were ruined from brick cleaners spraying acid on them. They were tossed and I rescued them for this window. I painted her head and body along with the miniature skulls for her hair. The dangle earring is made up of 3 glass jewels plated with painted pieces behind them. One fun window. Swinger-2009

1 comment:

  1. Michael - you have truly turned an older art form into something new and refreshing. Keep up the awesome work!
